Sure there have been ebbs and flows over the year, but for the most part, Hannah has earned an A when it comes to sleep. Our challenging times have been more with eating. We're working on the transition to whole milk, thus ending a very special mommy-baby relationship. We're also introducing Hannah to all types of fingers foods. On Friday, we accidentally ate at a restaurant that was nicer than we thought it would be. No problem for Hannah--she ate veal and lobster stuffed ravioli off of a piece of paper we put on top of the white table cloth. She can be really finicky with what she likes, but there are five things we can count on her to always enjoy: black beans, green beans, banana, cheese, and anything crunchy that Gerber sells. We rotate through the first four on a daily basis and try to stay away from the Gerber snacks. The black beans are especially delightful, both on the incoming and outgoing ends.
Hannah was overwhelmed and tired on her birthday and disappointed me a bit with her disinterest in her cake. I preserved it and brought it out when she was feeling better. Although she loved it, we're not adding cake and icing to the rotation. I especially like the last picture since it shows all five of her teeth!